
萨古鲁 Isha


Sadhguru: Being playful always has been understood as irresponsibility. Yes? Do you know, right from your childhood, and probably to your children also you are doing it. They're just playful, you think it's irresponsible. The most responsible way to live is that you playful with life. It's absolutely irresponsible to carry a long face and walk around in this planet. Yes or no? Isn't it absolutely irresponsible to walk around with misery? Yes? That's the most irresponsible thing you can do. So being playful is not irresponsibility. Being playful is being very responsible and responsive to life. Only when you're playful you can do that. When you're serious, the world doesn't exist for you. You and your nonsense. Yes? When you're serious, it's just about you and your nonsense. The world and another life does not exist for you. Only when you are playful, you can pay attention to everything. You can truly respond to everything in the world, only if you are playful. Otherwise you can not. Just the burden of it will kill you. So playfulness is not a philosophy that you have to develop – I'm going to be playful, I'm going to be playful, no.


Science is telling you the whole existence is just a dance of energy. Always in this culture, creation has been described as God's play. When they said God's play many thinking people thought “Oh, that fool is playing in my life, that’s why all this misery.” The forces of the creation are constantly at play. If they stop playing, you're finished. All the basic forces in this, within the body itself, they must be playing with full vigor. Only then, everything is nice. If they stop playing, or if they refuse to play, you're done, you're over. So playfulness not just in your attitude. This is not your attitude. This is the attitude of the Creator. This is the attitude of the creation.


If you are in tune with the creation and the Creator, being playful is very natural. Only when you're not in tune with that somewhere you got totally enslaved by the process of your mind, you thoughts, your opinions, your ideologies, your rights and wrongs, your moralities, then only you lost your playfulness. If you're in line with life, if you're in line with creation or Creator, you would naturally be playful. You have started ignoring the larger creation and become too attached to your petty creation, which is happening here. That is why all playfulness is gone. If you're in line with the larger creaction, there is no other way to be. You will be playful. Only one is playful, such a person can truly grapple with the problems in the world without being affected by it, and do his best about it. If he doesn't know how to be playful, those problems with just eat him up.


The problems that exist in the world are not simple. If you try to grapple with them, without the necessary playfulness in you don't ever think you're going to solve the problem, you will just get gobbled up by the problem.That's all that will happen. It has eaten up any number of people, isn't it so? Any number of people with good intentions, has it not swallowed? Has it not swallowed the problems of the world? Any number of people, with very good intentions, have just been licked up by the existing situations. You can only handle them if you're truly playful, otherwise everything will be trouble.


If you maintain just few hours of playfulness in a day, about what you’re doing. You will see, even your physical body will start functioning so much better. You sleep quota will come down and meditation becomes a natural process for one who is playful. Because the moment you are playful, you are not entangled with the things that you're doing. Once you're not entangled with it, you are not accumulating Karma, you're doing yoga. The process of living is not entangling. The process of living has become liberating. So you are no more doing karma, you're doing yoga with the activity that you perform. Once you're doing yoga through the day, definitely everything should get better, isn't it? For a beginner who is not accomplished, the activity is necessary. And if you don't make the activity playful, activity is killing, always. No matter what is the type of activity. There are different ways of passing through a situation, you know.


Mahabharata is a tremendous statement on this – how different human beings pass through the same situations. Almost everything that Krishna is going through on a smaller scale, people around him are going through. How they go through it and how he goes through it? How different types of people go through it? The same situations. Mahabharata is a tremendous document on that how different types of people of different levels of consciousness exist and go through the same situations. When there are some problem, you're traveling outside, or you are in the office, some problem arises. If there are 10 people, how this 10 different people experience this little problem that's come up? One person will pull his hair and freak out. Another person will pounce on somebody else. Another person bangs his head. And another person – looking what he can do. Do you see this happening? Same given situation.


So fundamentally, that's what Mahabharata is. That there are all types of people. Good people, bad people, outright evil, absolutely virtues, various types of people. If you look at it, every kind of human being that you can find in any society they are all there in Mahabharata, a whole range of people, Geedy ones, absolutely selfless ones, fearful ones, brave ones, Valiant warriors, coward, every kind are there. And they're all being put through a whole intense drama, and you look at each one's experience, it's very different. And the way he handles is very different, and where he lands up in the end is very different. Through this whole drama of all the people, Krishna's going through the maximum amount of drama, but untouched. Because he said, “Yogasthaha kuru karmaani” – that means first establishing yoga, and then act.

所以本质上,这就是Mahabharata要表达的:有各种各样的人。好人、坏人、坏透了的恶魔、绝对的善人,各种各样的人。如果你去看看,你在任何社会中可以看到的各种人类,Mahabharata中都有,所有类型的人、贪婪的人、绝对无私的人、恐惧的人、勇敢的人、英勇的武士、胆小鬼,每种都在那里。而他们都在经历着激烈的戏剧,你看每个人的体验却是非常不同的。他们处理的方式是非常不同的,而最终结局也是不同的。在所有人的戏剧中,Krishna经历了最多的戏剧,却仍毫发无损。因为他说,“Yogasthaha kuru karmaani”——即,先稳固瑜伽,再行动。

If you act without establishing yourself in yoga, then your action will become an entanglement. It doesn't matter what you are doing. Simple things that people take up to do in their lives. After all for most of the people, 95% of people in the world all they have taken up is just to earn something for their survival, procreate, bring up their children. That's it! Just for this small drama they have picked up for themselves, they wanted it. A little business, or a job, a home, wife, children, husband, this is it. To manage this where they end up-many of them end up in the insane asylum too. Just doing this simple job, isn't it so? Yes? They are not taking up the problems of the world. They don't want to be the Dharma goptas wanting to establish Dharma in the world. No such great responsibility they have taken up. Just to earn their living, survive, procreate and die which every creature on the planet does. For that see where people are ending up. How many people are ending up total nuts? How many people are half way down there? Yes? Too many people, isn't it? It's taking an unusally heavy toll.

如果你没有把自己稳固在瑜伽中就行动,那么你的行动会变成纠缠。不管你做什么,人们在一生中做的简单事情。毕竟,对于世界上大多数人,95% 的人来说,他们所做的一切只是挣东西求生存、繁衍后代、抚养孩子。仅此而已!只是为了这个他们为自己选择的小戏剧,他们想要它。一个小生意、一份工作、一个家、妻子、孩子、丈夫,就是这些。为了应付这些,他们的结果如何——他们中的许多人最后也进了精神病院。只是做这个简单的工作,不是吗? 是吗?他们没有承担世界上的问题。他们不想成为想要在世界上建立佛法的达摩。他们没有承担这么大的责任。只是为了谋生、生存、生育和死亡。这是这个星球上每一个生物都做的事情。为此看看人们都是怎样的结局,有多少人最后彻底疯了,有多少人在向此发展的半途中?对吗? 太多的人了,不是吗?这是一个非常沉重的代价。

Simple life process. It is not necessary this way but unfortunately it goes that way for many people, simply because there is no playfulness in their way of existance. There is no playfulness in the way they live. They are too dead serious. Now these two things look contradictionary. On one level we are talking about the intensity of passion, devotion. Another level, playfulness. That's the whole thing. If it's passion, you must burn with it. If you are halfhearted, you will not know what it is. It just tortures you. You will not know the benefit of it. You really have to burn. Otherwise you will not know what it is at all. If you want to walk the path of devotion and you also want to save yourself, it doesn't work. The idea of devotion, the idea of choosing the path of passion is that you want to burn up everything that is you so that only that you are passionate about or devout about exists within you. What you call myself is burnt up in the simple process. It is…for a thinking mind, this looks self-destructive…but unless you are willing to burn up the limited, another possibility never arises within you. If really the other possibility has to touch you, you really have to burn.


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