
1. I think it's awesome. You rock.

2. Don't get too cocky.

3. But before we get any further, let's clear up one thing.

4. They all look so alike to me that I'm never sure which is which.

5. The trick is to keep looking forward.

6. The trick was in the spin.

7. I'm looking forward to seeing you perform.

8. Let's go for a spin.

9. Good things happen to good people.

10. Let's get down to business.

11. Don't yell at me.

12. Suck it up.

13. Home sweet home.


14. What a coincidence!

15. Can I take a rain check?

16. Nothing in life is certain.

17. Nothing in life is free.

18. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

19. I just thought it might be easier for you to make a fresh start in a new city.

20. It is time for a fresh start.

21. All he wants is a fresh start.

22. I haven't got anything better to do.

23. The pressure now was relentless.

24. Just a hunch.

25. The region has a very high population density.

26. Grow up.

27. You're playing with fire.

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