欢迎大家后台回复“入群”二字添加小编微信,加入我们各类涉外法律交流社群。编辑 |律小圈对于涉外法律从业者来说,项目谈判、法律检索、文件写作等诸多业务工作,无不涉及专业的法律英语语言的熟练应用。而法律英语专业词汇,则是其中重要且颇具挑战性的部分。为了帮助涉外法律人更好地提高法律英语能力、高效利用碎片化信息提高学习效率,「涉外法律圈」将在「法言法译」栏目中,按照领域划分,每日为大家整理涉外法律工作中常见的法律英语专业词汇及相关学习资源。今日整理的法律英语学习内容为:【跨境金融业务中的常见单词,你都知道吗?】欢迎阅读学习,希望能够为你今日的学习进步,带来一些帮助~1. LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) – 伦敦银行同业拆借利率英文释义:The interest rate at which banks can borrow funds from each other in the London market.典型例句:The law firm advised clients on the transition away from LIBOR to alternative reference rates.2. Credit risk – 信用风险英文释义:The risk that a borrower will default on a loan or other financial obligation.典型例句:The bank uses sophisticated models to assess credit risk and set interest rates accordingly.3. Cross-border Financing – 跨境融资英文释义:Cross-border financing refers to the financing activities conducted between entities located in different countries.典型例句:Our law firm has extensive experience in cross-border financing transactions, including project finance, acquisition finance, and trade finance.4. Securities Law – 证券法英文释义:Securities law refers to the body of laws and regulations that govern the issuance, trading, and disclosure of securities.典型例句:Our securities lawyers regularly advise clients on compliance with securities laws and regulations in various jurisdictions.5. Offshore Company – 离岸公司英文释义:An offshore company is a company that is incorporated in a jurisdiction other than the one where it conducts its main business operations.典型例句:Our law firm has extensive experience in advising clients on the establishment and management of offshore companies for various purposes.6. Foreign Exchange Control – 外汇管制英文释义:Foreign exchange control refers to the laws and regulations that govern the exchange and transfer of currencies between countries.典型例句:Our lawyers have extensive experience in advising clients on foreign exchange control issues, including foreign exchange regulations, capital repatriation, and currency conversion.7. Derivative-衍生品、派生品英文释义:A derivative is a financial instrument whose value is based on the value of another underlying asset.典型例句:The bank offers various derivative products to its clients, such as options and futures.8. Injunction-禁令、命令英文释义:An injunction is a court order that requires a person or entity to stop doing a particular action or behavior.典型例句:The court issued an injunction preventing the company from using the stolen trade secrets.#品牌矩阵#免责声明:本文及其内容仅为交流目的。本文任何文字、图片等内容,未经授权不得转载。如需转载或引用,请联系公众号后台取得授权,并于转载时明确注明来源、栏目及作者信息。法律咨询 | 文章投稿 | 商务合作 | 转载开白请在公众号后台留言 欢迎把文章分享到朋友圈“感谢您的时间”
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